Cultivating Receptive Awareness
A Half-Day Mindfulness Meditation Retreat
Saturday, September 28, 2024
9:30am - 12:30pm

In our daily lives, our attention is often scattered and captivated by many distractions and preoccupations. Grounding ourselves in receptive awareness allows us to be more in touch with our moment-to-moment experience and act with care and compassion.

In this in-person half-day mindfulness retreat, we will cultivate this receptive awareness, alternating between periods of lightly guided sitting and walking meditation. We will end with a period of sharing and discussion.

All participants will be vaccinated.

This retreat will be led by Marc Symons. Marc has been authorized to teach mindfulness meditation by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. Please contact Marc to register:

As donation for the retreat, please consider donating to a charitable organization that you feel close to. 

Saying Farewell to our Weekly Meditation Groups

Dear Community,

Over the past many years, we have been deeply grateful to be able to offer a space and opportunity for people to gather and practice together. However, as we navigate the ever-changing landscape of in-person and online offerings, we have decided to bring closure to our community meditation groups and they are no longer available.

We truly appreciate your participation throughout the years and invite you to continue to join our other classes and events.

With gratitude,

The staff at SMC